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Double tier lockers----suitable for school dormitory

One of the most popuplar lockers is the double tier lockers for school dormitory.You can get the reason from Jialifu, the gym locker manufacturer

Octocer 13, 2016
What kind of public locker is in need in public toilet

There are many kinds of public locker with different locks such as the intelligent locks, code locks, inductive locks or other forms. The vital factor is to bring convenience for people.

August 16, 2016
Notice on the Mid-Autumn Festival

The Notice on the Mid-Autumn Festival about Jialifu and here we hope all of you can have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

September 08, 2016
How’s the importance to the Swimming locker

The news of the accident about the swimming locker, the crucial point is the locker lock. Also, the quality of the whole locker is also important for making sure of the user's valuables safe.

August 30, 2016
What should be required to be an excellent supplier

Jialifu, famous as a hpl locker<strong style="color: rgb(127

September 6, 2016